Rachel Brown
Consultant (Roseville, Minnesota)
Session: Program Evaluation 101: Crafting a Plan You Can Actually Use (Friday, 11am – 12:15pm)
Dr. Rachel A. Brown is a program evaluation consultant, facilitator, educator, and strategic planner who facilitates learning, change, and growth in mission-driven organizations. To make learning with data useful, impactful, and fun, she melds expertise developed as a social science researcher, English teacher, camp director, curriculum writer, assessment editor, staff development specialist, and theater arts enthusiast. Since pivoting from K-12 education into the arts, she has worked with a variety of Minnesota arts organizations, including Stages Theatre Company, Theater Mu, The Grand Marais Playhouse, The Minnesota Theater Alliance, Arts Nest, MRAC, Lyric Arts of Anoka, and Nautilus Music-Theater.