New Voices/New Futures: Arts-Based Rural Youth Development
Saturday, October 5, 10:45am – 12:30pm
Location: Wilcox Theater, Reif Center for Performing Arts
Opening Performance: Thomas X
Moderator: Nevada Littlewolf, Thomas X (Hip Hop Artist, Red Lake Band of Ojibwe), Jamie Horter (Artist and Rural Advocate, Lyons, Nebraska), Shel Neymark (Artist, Embudo, New Mexico), Erin Dorbin (Multimedia Historian, Houston County, Minnesota), Joseph Claunch (Zuni Youth Enrichment Project, Zuni, New Mexico)
What is it like to grow up “rural” today, and what important perspectives and ideas do our young people in rural places have to offer to our communities, and to national and global challenges such as climate change, racial justice, health and well being, and the economy? How are artists working within schools, community organizations, reservations, parks and downtowns to activate these important young voices and imaginations? From hip hop to community media, hear from artists about their approaches to rural youth development, what they’re hearing from young people about the future of rural places, and their hopes and fears for the next generation of rural youth.